Access Point

The Sociale Onlus Cooperativa Access Point is a reality active in the field of Information Technology, both in the profit and non-profit market.
We are classified as a B type Cooperative, which means that we have at least one third of our members with severe disabilities, this is a very important point for us since we have chosen to operate in such a challenging field. We are a team of people who develop computer based Edugames which uses both technicians and psychologists in order to create a greater empathy towards game players.
The didactic model chosen for the development of our edugames is that of edutainment which combines training through playful elements. The results are excellent both for the children and adults. The main projects developed by Access Point have been done for non-profit organizations, newspapers and universities.
The aim of our edugames projects are to promote, inform and raise awareness of various issues. Generally, we address to the young target which is interested in games and new technologies. Technically our games are developed in HTML 5 environment in order to be used on any device (tablet, smartphone, PC, etc..).
Among our customers we have Cultural Associations, Universities, Editorial groups (eg. laRepubblica), Legambiente, etc.. Our customers choose us either to create educational games or/and to raise awareness on ethical or social issues.
Addresse: Piazza Baldassarre avanzini 55, 00157 Rome (Italy)
Members of the team:

Habib Sedehi teaches Project Management and Systems Thinking & System Dynamics for Strategic Decision Support Systems in Executive MBA courses in different National & International Universities in Italy. He has been involved in different EU financed projects and presently is a key member of two projects (financed by the Erasmus+ program) in the area of Edutainment (serious games to support learning in soft skill education). He has published two books in the field of Software Engineering and general Computer Sciences and authored more than 40 publications in different ICT fields.He is the founder and past President of SYDIC (Italian Chapter of System Dynamics Society), founder member of Italian Association for System Science Research, Direction Committee Member of the Italian Software Metrics Association and Past President of International Commission at Rome Engineers State Association.

Federico Baleani started out as an IT trainer at Johnson&Johnson, in the following years he worked for various national and international companies. As a journalist, he writes articles regarding video games on different newspapers and presently he is the director of a videogame magazine that tries to explore not only games as a form of entertainment but also makes critical analysis. In 2007 together with other partners he founded AccessPoint that deals with training and tools to support training. AccessPoint was born with the idea of being a point of reference for the non-profit sector but soon it also opened to the profit sector market.
Today he follows projects related to the world of gamification and videogames, always trying to include, where it is possible, training elements. As a training approach he uses edutainment that combines training and entertainment.

Luca MARCHISIO is A developer since 2006, over the years he has mainly worked on web applications as a freelancer. From 2005 to 2012 he collaborated with the vertical portal Programmazione.it in writing news about programming topics. Since 2016 he has been collaborating with Access Point, carrying out activities in the field of game analysis and development processes, creation of websites, web applications, configuration and management of gSuite platform services (mail services, cloud storage services, user management, management of communication tools).