Ergo Ludo Editions

Ergo Ludo Editions is an individual enterprise founded in 2014 with the purpose of developing board and card games, co-producing and printing them for the world market in partnership with publishers of other countries. Our aim is to develop and create an always well tested, solid rules engine for the boardgames, also providing to our partners the artwork and graphics that complete the final result. On a project there are always about five or six staff members involved. Our mission is to create a high-quality product to spread the knowledge of the games that help socializing. Ergo Ludo Editions works with some of the most important publishers in the world, and its games are translated for the English, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese and Japanese markets.

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Members of the team

Alessandro Lanzuisi

Alessandro Lanzuisi was born on 2nd of June, 1970.

He worked for some book and comic books publishers like editor and translator.

He begun to work in boardgames industry since 2002. From that year, he worked in boardgames shops, like promoter to spread the knowledge and enlightenment of boardgames, and for some of  the most important industry publishers like developer and editor in chief. One of his developed game, Siena, won the award of Game of the Year in Italy.

In 2005 he was the co-founder of What’s Your Game publishing house, and from 2014 the founder and owner of Ergo Ludo Editions. The Ergo Ludo Editions’ first game – The Golden Ages – obtains an excellent success between players and reviewers, and it was finalist for the Dutch Game of the Year. In 2016 Ergo Ludo publishes Zagor, the boardgame based on one of the most popular italian comic character used under license of Sergio Bonelli Editore, one of the most world famous comics publisher.

Like editor in chief of Ergo Ludo, Lanzuisi sells the rights of the Ergo Ludo’s games in USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, Spain, Brazil, France and The Netherlands

Marta De Carvalho

Marta De Carvalho studied Economics and Business at the University of Rome La Sapienza, and Philosophy at the Pontifical University of Rome La Gregoriana. After a professional course at the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, she started an hotel management course about management department and customers care. Thanks to this experience, in 2007 she worked like supervisor and in the sales office for the hotels Contemporaneo Rooms and The Traveler’s Home.
In 2015 she begun to work like Estate Agent, broker and property manager for Engel & Voelkers.
From 2016, she is the marketing department manager of Ergo Ludo Editions, working in the events organisation, advertising activities and promotions of the boardgames products printed by the italian publishing house.

Luigi Ferrini

Publishing Portfolio

2021: Ensemble, Board game (publishers: Ergo Ludo Editions, Schwerkraft, MasQueOca, Arclight ); with D. Ursini.

2020: Sustain, Board game (with Ergo Ludo Editions in an Erasmus+ Programme).

2018: Black Skull Island, Card game (publishers: Strawberry Studio, Matagot, Lucrum Games).

2016: Zagor: il Gioco da Tavolo, Board game (publisher: Ergo Ludo Editions); with D. Ursini.

2015: The Golden Ages: Cults and Culture, Board game expansion (publishers:  Ergo Ludo Editions, Stronghold Games, MasQueOca).

2014: The Golden Ages, Board game (publishers: Quined Games, Ergo Ludo Editions, Stronghold Games, MasQueOca).

2004: Moby Pick, Card game (publishers: dvGiochi, Mayfair Games).

1996: Hold Everything! / Alles im Griff, Board game (publishers: Pressman Toy Corp., AMIGO, Qualitygame); with L. Dolfi.

Career and studies:

2003-today: He’s working at Agenzia delle Entrate (Italian Tax Agency) in the Project Management Support Team and as Software developer.

2005-today: He’s Head of Jury of the Concorso per il Miglior Gioco Inedito (Best Unpublished Game Contest) of Lucca Comics & Games festival.

2009: Post-graduate course in Project Management at LUISS Libera Università Guido Carli, Roma.

2001-2003: Software developer in Italian software house AGF, Pisa.

2001: Degree in Computer Science (Scienze dell’Informazione) at Università degli studi di Pisa.

1998: Course in Comics and creative writing at Accademia Disney, Milano.

Lorenzo Maria Conti

Board game related activities and projects:

2005-2008: President of the cultural association “ACT” of Ciampino; board game diffusion related

2009-2014: Vice-president of the association “Tana dei goblin Roma”; board game diffusion related

2015-2017: Project manager for “Move the Game”

2017: Too Much, Board game (publisher: Move the Game); developer and project manager,

2017: The Reaper, Board game (publisher: Move the Game); developer and project manager,

2017: Fly Down, Board game (publisher: Move the Game); developer and project manager,

2017: Not Alone, Board game (publisher: Move the Game); Italian localization,

2017: Not Alone:Exploration, Board game (publisher: Move the Game); Italian localization,

2018: Viral, Board game (publisher: Move the Game); Italian Localization,

2018-Today: Developer for “Ergo Ludo Editions”

2018: Gugong, Board game (publisher: Ergo Ludo Editions/Ghenos Games); Italian Localization,

2018: Meeple Circus, Board game (publisher: Ergo Ludo Editions /Ghenos Games); Italian Localization,

2019: Meeple Circis:Show Must Go On , Board game (publisher: Ergo Ludo Editions /Ghenos Games); Italian Localization,

2019:Raiders of the North Sea , Board game (publisher: Ergo Ludo Editions /Ghenos Games); Italian Localization,

2019:Brass:Lancashire, Board game (publisher: Ghenos Games); Italian Localization,

2019:Brass:Birmingham, Board game (publisher: Ghenos Games); Italian Localization,

2019: Time of Crisis , Board game (publisher: Ergo Ludo Editions /Asmodee Italia); Italian Localization,

2020: Quartermaster General, Board game (publisher: Ergo Ludo Editions /Ghenos Games); Italian Localization,

2020: Quartermaster General:Total War, Board game (publisher: Ergo Ludo Editions /Ghenos Games); Italian Localization,

2020: The Magnificent, Board game (publisher: Ghenos Games); Italian Localization,

Francesco Tassone

Francesco Tassone is a MSc student in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at Sapienza University of Rome and he has a degree in Computer Engineering. His interests include machine learning, neural network and computer vision. He cooperates with Ergo Ludo Editions as coordinator for international projects. He has been involved in the SUSTAIN Erasmus+ project (2017-2020). He is also the webmaster for the SYstem Dynamics Italian Chapter (SYDIC).