The Business Game
The Business Game is a dynamic and research oriented spin-off of the University of Udine, specialized in management education and training through business simulations. The company is a small medium enterprise, which employs only managerial engineers and software developers. TBG had developed a lot of Business Games and its expertise is linked to the adaptation of both the Business Game model and the Business Game learning methodology in order to obtain the best learning experience.
The Business Game Team gained his professional experience and know-how during many years, both on managerial advice and on high level teaching. The continuous research activity permits us to offer many services such as: training and distance learning using advanced e-learning tools, development and customization of business games and business simulation software, recruitment and networking, strategic, organizational and process advice using innovative decisions support tools. The learning system and its practices has been designed, developed, tested and validated by The Business Game Srl in the ten past years. In particular, our business games have been used by over 15.000 Italian people in: internal competitions in the economics faculties and in the management engineering faculties belonging to 15 Italian Universities; nearly 1.500 web contests; two Italian inter-universities contest where participant teams belonging to 20 Universities; several industrial enterprises.
TBG Mission is to provide learning experiences which improve managerial skills. Our Vision is a world where the competitiveness of the firms is increased thanks to the use of business simulations.
Via Gemona, 35 – 33100 Udine (UD) – Italy
Members of the team

Anna Sioni: Graduated in Italian Literature and with a Master in HR Management, she has been involved in several European projects. In particular, she has been involved in the implementation of research support activities for the development and implementation of communication tools to support project dissemination and collaboration in management activities within two INTERREG Projects. In The Business Game Srl, in addition to carrying out activities to support the administrative and accounting management, she is involved in the management of human resources, design of business games for training, recruiting and employer branding and, in close collaboration with the marketing area, in communication and social media marketing.

Nicola Baldissin, CEO of The Business Game: Management Engineer, MBA, expert in developing and modelling of business simulations. He has gained extensive experience teaching managerial training courses in business realities of primary importance and major educational institutions in Italy.

Simone Magrin, Chief Operating Officer at The Business Game. Master’s degree in Management Engineering at the University of Udine in 2010, in 2019 he obtained a Master in Assessment and Organizational Development. He has gained experience in the fields of: Design and development of Business Games and Serious Games for training; Design and development of Business Games and Serious Games for Recruiting and Employer Branding events; Management of Recruiting and Employer Branding events (Alstom Italia, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane); Teaching in the context of Business Games within university courses and Masters courses (Master CUOA – Vicenza, Master’s Degree in Business Management – Pisa, Master in Management – Bologna Business School); Teaching in the field of Project Management in the CUOA JobLeader Project Management courses, LUISS Guido Carli MBA courses and in courses within ATM Milano; Management of the University Management Competition, a national Business Game tournament involving the main Italian universities. He is also head of the European Projects area and he has experience as external assessor for recruiting events at the Italian State Railways.

Vincenzo Arnone: As senior executive consultant and trainer I have several years of experience in delivering project and program management training and consultancy to business people and project practitioners in Italy and abroad. I am visiting professor in Project management and Innovation in University Mercatorum, Rome, Italy and I published several papers in the Program and Project management domain. Moreover I hold the following certifications with the Project Management Institute: PGMP (Program Manager Professional), PMP (Project Manager Professional), ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner).