Sapienza University of Rome was founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII; Since its foundation, Sapienza has constantly played a significant role in Italian history and has been directly involved in key changes and developments in society, economics and politics. Merging centuries of tradition with
cutting-edge didactic activities, research and innovation, Sapienza provides top quality education and research opportunities.
The Department of Computer, Automatic and Management Engineering (DIAG) was established in 1983, as university research and teaching center. Its birth was promoted by Antonio Ruberti, eminent scientist, Rector of SapiEnza and then Minister University and Scientific Research and European Commissioner for research, education and youth. The Department directly organizes Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Courses in the field of Automatic Engineering, management, information technology, and plays an important role in those of biomedical, clinical and engineering information.
The primary focus of the DIAG is basic research, with a particular emphasis on research interdisciplinary, on applications that stimulate basic research, and on technology transfer and dissemination and exploitation of results. The DIAG collaborates with other universities, research institutes and companies in Italy and around the world. Receives from sources of national and European funding of research contracts for approximately two million euros per year. Regarding training, the mission of the DIAG is to train engineers with outlets professionals in industries, public administration and universities
Physical Adresse: Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy
Members of the team
Fabio Nonino is Associate Professor of Business and Project Management at the Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering “Antonio Ruberti” (DIAG) of Sapienza University of Rome. He carries out his research activities in the field of Management focusing on Operations and Service Management, Innovation Management and Organizational Behavior Development. He participates in the activities of numerous scientific associations. From 2013 to 2015, he was the National Secretary of Italian Scientific Association of Management Engineering. From 2011, he is member of the Committee for the Development of Scientific and Technological Culture established by The Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research.
He is co-editor of Cogent Business & Management and member of the editorial board of Kybernetes – The international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences, the International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management and the Journal of Global Information Management.
He is Associate Professor of Business Management and Project Management at the Master of Science in Management Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome. He is member of board of the PhD in Industrial and Management Engineering of Sapienza University of Rome, lecturer and supervisor of 5 doctoral students. He is Director of the Advanced Course in Project, Program and Portfolio Management and member of the Scientific Committee of the University Master’s Degree in Logistics and Communications for Complex Systems at Sapienza University of Rome. He is the scientific coordinator of the Executive Master Advanced Project Management Program at the Business School of Il Sole 24 Ore.
Alessandro Pompei got the MSc in Management Engineering on 20/01/2017 at Sapienza University of Rome. In 2017/2018 he participated in the Advanced Training Course in Project Program and Portfolio Management at Sapienza University of Rome and obtained the relative certificate for 168 hours of training. Since 2017 he is a PhD student in Industrial and Management Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome. He is the author of several articles published in international scientific journals including Sustainability, Kybernetes, Journal of Simulation.
Alessandro Pompei carries out research on topics relating to project management and sustainability. Other research topics concern modeling and simulation based on systemic approaches, i.e. System Dynamics and Systems Thinking, applied in various areas including Organization Management, Public Policy Assessment, Climate Change.
He participated to some European projects: BRISWA (the Ball Rolls In Same Way for All – Pr.Ref. 579960-EPP-1-2016-2-IT-SPO-SCP) project that is co-financed under the Erasmus+ programme, 2016-2017, With the role of project team member; SUSTAIN (Game-Based Learning on Urban Sustainability – Pr.Ref. 2017-1-EL01-KA203-036303) project that is co-financed under the Erasmus+ programme, 2017-2019, With the role of member of the scientific committee.
Alessandro Annarelli got the MSc in management engineering at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) in 2014, thesis entitled “Resilience: a bibliographic investigation into the origins, development, and future directions of the research domain”.
In 2018, he got a PhD in Sustainable Energy and Technologies at Free University of Bozen (Italy), thesis entitled “The strategic value of Product Service System – An empirical investigation”. During his PhD, Alessandro was PhD visiting student Luleå University of Technology (Sweden). Between 2017 and 2018 he was postdoctoral researcher at University of Udine (Italy), working on the Interreg Med project “Investing in Sustainable Blue Growth and Competitiveness throufh 3-Pillar Business” (iBlue). Since 2018 Alessandro is postdoctoral researcher at Sapienza University of Rome. He is author of several articles published on scientific international journals, such as Omega, Journal of Cleaner Production, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Sustainability. He is reviewer for several international journals, such as Omega, Journal of Cleaner Production, Industrial Marketing Manager, International Journal of Production Economics. Alessandro teaches “Project Management” at Sapienza University of Rome.
Giulia Palombi (PhD) is a Research Fellow at Sapienza University of Rome since 2018. Her main research interests concern Organizational Behavior, Social Network in Management Studies, Business Management, Operation Management and Project Management. She teaches “Economic and Management Engineering Lab.” at Sapienza University of Rome and “Strategy, Organization and Marketing” at Universitas Mercatorum.
Previously she received her master’s degree with honors on Management Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome with a thesis developed in collaboration with Regents University London and her PhD in 2019 in Industrial and Management Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome with an experimental PhD thesis developed in collaboration with University of Kentucky. During her PhD, she awarded a personal special scholarship for her visiting at University of Kentucky (center of excellence for Social Network in Management studies). She presented her studies at several international conferences including EUROMA, IFKAD and ISPIM and she published on international journals such as Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Computers & Industrial Engineering.